October 7, 2010

Still learning

I love how I get into these theme ruts. It’s at those times that I know God is trying to teach me something....hence the reiteration. I’m in a learning rut. Which doesn’t seem so bad considering the plethora of other ruts I could be stuck in. And so I’m learning to ask questions – even when there are no immediate, or simple, answers.

And today my challenge came from 1 Thessalonians (which is quickly becoming a favourite): “Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (vs. 16-18).

Excellent verse to have on my mind as Thanksgiving approaches (so thankful we’re having pumpkin pie this year...right Sam?!!).

Enjoy your weekend everybody!


Tara said...

love that verse laura!
ps. can you please write some more? i need something to distract myself when im procrastinating my homework! ok, thanks :)

mom said...

And how was that pie???? :O)
"be joyful always...". GREAT verse!!! and thanks for the reminder!

love you


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