February 9, 2010

Odds and Ends

There is no limit to the benefits that come with being a friend of someone who is health conscious. I strive to follow the food guide – giving my body all the necessary nutrients it so craves – but when it comes to tricks of the trade, Ams is my go to person! I can’t even come close to knowing half the stuff she knows. For instance – did you know that having lemons in your water helps to clean your blood? So from now on, when I ask for it in restaurants, I almost want to say “it’s for health reasons” – cause clearly it is! Who wouldn’t want to shine up that stuff pumping through their veins?

Speaking of red (great transition right?!) – yesterday was a glorious day in history: I got to experience the passing of the Olympic torch. And ladies and gentlemen, the hype is definitely all it’s cracked up to be. I’m sorry to have to inform you all that I have caught the Olympic fever – I should probably stay home for the next few weeks until I’m fully recovered (wink!). It was quite exciting though – Steve (I think that was his name) had such enthusiasm as he ran – he was jumping and cheering and smiling...definitely a top five moment for him! The crowds of red and white just made me smile. The one time that you don’t mind looking like the person standing next to you. The one time you wear red even if it clashes with your skin tone. The one time you high five a person for wearing the same sweater! I can’t wait to head downtown and get to be a part of the buzz – bring on Saturday!

“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow” ~Unknown


mom said...

I know right??? A great day in history. Maybe YOU will be on the news!! Sooo you are going down for the opening?? wow. be sure to take pics.
love you


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